The Monday after Thanksgiving, as the world around me had clearly shifted into full-on holiday mode, I sat in our orthodontist’s waiting room with my two sons. The office, of course, was strung with garland and lights. While my older son was in the back being treated, my five year old played Wii tennis in the office’s play room. On the television, the early morning talk show hosts were showcasing gift ideas, but I couldn’t
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1 Dec 2017
6 Dec 2016
A few friends of mine, myself included, are having trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. I saw my first Christmas commercial on Halloween night which, if you remember, was a pretty long day as it was. Then within a week, I noticed it wasn’t just the one or two rogue families in town who put their Christmas lights out, it was one or two on every block. By Thanksgiving, trees started popping up